Dear Santa,
Usually I write my letter to you earlier in the month but I appear to be in more denial than usual about Christmas this year. I am very sorry. I know Christmas is your big day, and I should be all excited about it, but I would like to hide under the bed until it goes away.
clearing my space
I am cleaning things out in order to make room for another person’s stuff in the house. I admit to having packrat tendencies, although once in awhile I will clear out huge amounts of stuff.
It was easy enough to weed out a bunch of clothes for Goodwill, but then I started cracking open boxes in my closets and things got a lot more difficult.
oh, holibiteme
I have cramps, and the remains of a migraine, and in about an hour I have to go to the office and do a lot of work. So really, this is just a test to see if I can stare at a computer screen without any difficulties. I’m sorry if you feel used.
Monday nights
I’m bored and restless and tired of working around the house, and my boyfriend is at his apartment packing and cleaning. I keep wanting to call my sister, but I can’t because it’s Monday night.
Muppets get into everything
We are taking a break from watching The Muppet Movie, which The Beau has never seen before, because he needs to get some work done on deadline. We’ll finish watching it later tonight or tomorrow night. We stopped at a very good point: when the Swedish chef screwed up the film and it melted onto the projector bulb. Excellent timing.
I felt I deserved a short, relaxing break because I had just done something very difficult, which I knew would be difficult, and had been worrying about all day if not all weekend: I called my mom and told her that my boyfriend and I were going to live together, that he was moving into the house this month.
the big switcheroo
This is the second entry I am writing on my laptop instead of my old crotchety desktop computer. Yes, I know I’ve had the laptop for several months and yet I haven’t gotten into the habit of using it.
pink and sparkly holiday
Last year I finally caved in and bought a Christmas tree … the day after Christmas when it was on clearance. It was one of those Pink and Sparkly Barbie Holiday Trees, which seemed like the right size and temperament for me and my house.
I assembled the tree last night and my boyfriend helped me decorate it. It is very sparkly, especially when you add blinky lights. They aren’t as blinky as some people might like them, because the super-fast blinkiness promised to be a migraine trigger. However, a nice slow blink, reminiscent of the old HTML blinky tag that I am not going to resurrect here, produced a very pleasing effect.
playing in the background
All right. By popular demand (or by Ms. Pooks asking nicely … some days it doesn’t take a lot to qualify as popular demand), I will tell you exactly which “sappy romantic comedy” films I saw over the Thanksgiving holiday, as I mentioned in my previous entry.
the schmoop is back in town
My boyfriend was visiting out-of-town relatives for a week. Last night I picked him up at the airport.
Now that he’s back, I can no longer do the following things, at least not without comment, ridicule, and possibly censure:
The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972)
The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean: 1972, dir. John Huston. Seen on DVD.
I did a really idiotic thing, although in my defense, I didn’t realize it until it was too late. I watched The Wild Bunch for the first time a couple of days before I saw The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean. And after you’ve seen The Wild Bunch, most other Westerns will seem terribly contrived and shallow, especially a frivolous, light-hearted sort of Western.
Continue reading The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972)